- Sound Vision
in Motion

An unprecedented performance project centered around performance art, electronic live music and new media digital art. Creating a phenomenon of a dance performance to control light, sound and parameters of an immersive visual environment with their own physical gestures.

  • Funkhaus Monom Berlin
  • Live Performance Event
  • Spatial 4D Sound Studio

We look forward to touching the souls of our audience with a beauty unlike anything ever witnessed before.
Choose your day pass, or week pass or festival passto join us on that unique experience.

KINESICS is a multidisciplinary art studio working with emerging technology to interpret the complexity of human and natural phenomena into unique visual nft art. This data-driven immersive experience explores and interprets the multiple meanings and implications of the concept of KINESICS, body movements and gestures regarded as a form of non-verbal communication.

The performance delves into a conceptual timeline and takes the viewer through four ‘chapters’: using musical and visual data that is processed in real-time to create “living” art..Inside the immersive digital video environment is content created by iconic artists Josef Rubinstein and Adam Martinakis that was forged specifically for the KINeSICS project.

  • Event Ticket Festival Pass
  • Live Performance and Art
  • Festival Tickets

Festival Programm and Eventinfos

The event at MONOM will offer a schedule of 2 Weeks of activities including:

+ a new media art exhibition with a focus on NFT art,

+ workshops and lectures centered around the education of our creative process and implementation of our ideas to technology

+ music salon featuring DJ’s and musicians performing in the exhibition area

+ KINESICS stage performance which will take place at the weekend during the two weeks of the event,
with two performances per weekend date: accessible with a matinee pass , late night pass or day pass.

The performance delves into a conceptual timeline and takes the viewer through four ‘chapters’: using musical and visual data processed from Instrument of Thingsthat is processed in real-time to create “living” art. Inside the immersive digital nft video environment is content created by iconic artists Josef Rubinstein and Adam Martinakis that was forged specifically for the KINeSICS project.

The Dancers Yusuke Onishi, Mary Lu and Nobutaka Shamure creates a unique Composition using the SOMI-1 interface prototype from Instruments of things.

“Dancing will be transformed in to a new art form, that goes much further from just the visual experience..dance will generate music.”

During the week the Doors are open from 12-18uhr for Workshops, and an immersive NFT Exhibition Showcase.

The display being used to display the artwork will be a Tokenframe 55” canvas https://tokenframe.com/products/55-tokenframe-nft-display-spring

The performance delves into a conceptual timeline and takes the viewer through four ‘chapters’: using musical and visual data processed from Instrument of Thingsthat is processed in real-time to create “living” art. Inside the immersive digital nft video environment is content created by iconic artists Josef Rubinstein and Adam Martinakis that was forged specifically for the KINeSICS project.

The Dancers Yusuke Onishi, Mary Lu and Nobutaka Shamure creates a unique Composition using the SOMI-1 interface prototype from Instruments of things.

“Dancing will be transformed in to a new art form, that goes much further from just the visual experience..dance will generate music.”

During the week the Doors are open from 12-18uhr for Workshops, and an immersive NFT Exhibition Showcase.

The display being used to display the artwork will be a Tokenframe 55” canvas https://tokenframe.com/products/55-tokenframe-nft-display-spring

SOMI-1 offers a technology that not only allows for the phenomenon happening during the KINESICS performance but also allows for an experiment of a simulation in a variety of various space orientations.

The KINeSICS artwork will be rendered from a digital snapshot taken of the content as it is living inside the screen configuration at that moment. At the end of every performance, before the stage fades to black this snapshot will be downloaded and rendered to 8K Ultra HD animated video.

This video will then be rendered to NFT and available on the Ethereum blockchain through https://opensea.io/ The initial display of this masterwork will happen in a NFT exhibition presentation where the NFT’s interactive capabilities will be demonstrated. The display being used to display the artwork will be a Tokenframe 55” canvas .

  • Sound and Vision in Motion
  • 23-03 - 02.04.2022
  • Artist And Musicians


  • Scanner - Robin Rimbaud
  • Mixmaster Morris
  • David Mathua
  • Manot Fashion
  • Ranjii William Maghur
  • Juliane Jeske
  • Sun Electric - Max Loderbauer
  • Sjoerd Sanden
  • Robert Sokol
  • Nobutaka Shomura
  • Maria Papadouli
  • Lars Hemmerling
  • Jacky Lu
  • Grischa Lichtenberger
  • Anhel-Starkova
  • Adam-Martinakis
  • Joseph Rubenstein
  • Yusuke Onishi